Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day 4

I left Philadelphia today after spending nearly 2 weeks there for Christmas break. I've become quite used to always having to leave Philly to come back to Erie but this time was expecially difficult. Eric and I bonded quite well during this time and some of my favorite times came by doing the simplest things. On the way home, I stopped in the Steel City to see Katie and to pass on the new hotness (aka the sweet LG Dare!). And I even made her a feast for the ages that consisted of Shrimp Scampi (yes again!), rainbow jello, and rainbow cheesecake (All while watching the Eagles cruise to a playoff victory over the Vikings!). Oh ya...and Katie scammed McDonald's out of another 4 value meals, Starbucks out of some lattes, and Taco Bell out of a dozen bean burritos! Where does she put it all?!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3

Eric and I embarked on a trip to Dirty Joisey to take Trooper to the vet and he received a relatively clean bill of health! We then killed some Panera Bread and Coldstone before heading back to watch movies. Apple Pie A La Coldstone was nothing but pure goodness!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2

I slept in til 11am this morning and walked the dogs, Cody and Trooper. Afterwards, I played the role of Mr. Domestic and stayed at home while Eric was working. Washing and unloading dishes, vacuuming, hanging up clothes, straightening up the house, and trying my hand at cooking took up most of my day. I whipped up some shrimp scampi with spanish rice and vegetables and had everything in place on the dinner table by the time Eric got home. Surprisingly, the dinner turned out good despite not having some key ingredients. Eric and I went out to 3 different bars...Shampoo, 12th Air & Command, and Knock before heading over to Woody's.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 1

Today is the start of a new year. 2009 will arguably be one of the most important years of my life. So what better way to capture the year than with a daily log filled of pictures and summaries? 2009 started with a bang in Philadelphia. Eric, my boyfriend of five months, and I went to a house party in Old City for our new years' celebrations. We met up with several friends there and made new ones, too. Catchphrase, karoake, piano-playing, and drinking encompassed most of the night. Just before the stroke of midnight, everyone went upstairs to the roofdeck to watch fireworks from Penn's Landing over the Delaware River. Bottles of champagne were soon opened and glasses were filled as we celebrated the new year. As the night progressed, so did my level of intoxication and by 2AM I was passed out on the couch. I don't remember the car ride home, but did remember my throwing up in the sink and telling Eric "Just go away! You don't need to see this!" Nonetheless, the start of my new year was memorable, but hopefully I remember next year's new year better.